I am a Junior Undergraduate pursuing my Bachelors in Technology in Computer Science and Engineering at BML Munjal University.
I am experienced in frontend and backend development of Web Applications.
I have a flair for pragmatic computer programming, and also have a keen interest in data science and convolution neural netwoks.
Worked as developer for designing and developing the website of the local NGO, situated in Prayagraj-Uttar Pradesh, named Mukti Marg Gramin Vikas Samiti (muktimarg.org).
Built P2P cryptocurrency simulator, designed blocks, transaction broadcasting schemes, Consensus Algorithm.
Analysis of IOT based dataset and prediction of human activity using Machine Learning Algorithms.
Deployed the blockchain project on AWS using EC2.
CGPA: 7.84
Percentage: 73.00%
Percentage: 75.33%
Apart from being a developer, I enjoy most of my time being outdoors.
When forced indoors, I follow a number of sci-fi and fantasy genre movies and television shows, and I spend a large amount of my free time exploring the latest technology advancements in the data science world.